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We Create Beautiful Smiles

Enhance Your Smiles With Our Cosmetic Dentistry Services in Saint John


If you wish to light up the room with your lovely smile but are not happy with your natural teeth, then cosmetic dentistry might be the solution for you. It includes any dental work that improves the appearance (and not necessarily the functionality) of teeth, gums, and bite of your teeth. Millidge Place Dental Clinic provides various high-quality cosmetic dentistry services in Saint John as part of our wide body of dental services.


Our goal is to help you have a confident smile. Dr. Murray P. Holburn and our friendly staff will ensure your experience is as comfortable as possible during the dental procedure. We provide teeth whitening, veneers and more. Call us to book a consultation for our cosmetic dentistry services in Saint John.


Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures in Saint John

At Millidge Place Dental Clinic, we offer the following procedures as part of our cosmetic dentistry services:


Dental Implants:

They replace the roots of lost teeth. A dental implant and a crown built on the implant replace a missing tooth in the bone socket. The implant looks very natural, and once the supporting tissue is fused into the bone, it is very difficult to differentiate between the natural tooth and the artificial implant.


Dental Bonding:

Bonding successfully attaches the filling material and the tooth’s original enamel. This procedure is done when there is a requirement for a tooth repair, for example, in the case of a chipped, cracked, misshapen, or decayed tooth.



Dental Veneers:

Veneers are thin, custom-made porcelain shells that fit over the surface of the teeth. They look extremely natural and act as a laminate over the teeth to improve the shine. Their purpose is also to repair any cracked or chipped part of the teeth.


Teeth Whitening:

One of the most basic procedures of cosmetic dentistry, teeth whitening lightens the tooth's colour by either changing the intrinsic colour through bleaching or by removing and controlling the formation of extrinsic stains through cleaning and restoration.

Why Cosmetic Dentistry?


Do you feel too shy to smile confidently? Or does your broken tooth embarrass you? If your answer is yes, you can consider having cosmetic dentistry services.

Cosmetic dentistry allows you to have your confidence back.

You can consider cosmetic dentistry if you have:

  • Chipped or crooked teeth: Cosmetic dentistry offers many solutions for chipped or crooked teeth. Dental bonding is commonly used to repair small chips, restoring the tooth's natural appearance. Porcelain veneers provide a durable and aesthetically pleasing solution for more extensive damage. In cases of severe misalignment, orthodontic treatments like braces or clear aligners can gradually reposition teeth for a straighter smile. This enhances the overall appearance and improves dental function and bite alignment.

  • Stained teeth: Cosmetic dentistry specializes in teeth whitening procedures to address stained teeth. Professional teeth whitening treatments utilize safe and effective bleaching agents to break down deep-seated stains, resulting in a brighter, more smile. Additionally, porcelain veneers can cover stubborn, intrinsic stains that may not be removed by traditional whitening methods. The result is a radiant smile that boosts confidence and leaves a lasting impression.

  • Abnormal gum lines: Gum contouring, a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure, corrects irregular or excessive gum tissue. This involves reshaping the gum line to achieve a more harmonious and balanced appearance. Through precise sculpting of the gum tissue, a cosmetic dentist can create a frame that complements the teeth, enhancing their aesthetic appeal. 

  • Missing teeth: Cosmetic dentistry offers several solutions, such as dental implants and bridges. Dental implants are popular as they provide a permanent, natural-looking replacement for a missing tooth. This also helps maintain proper jaw alignment and function. Bridges are effective non-surgical options for those seeking more economical solutions.

  • Gap between your teeth: Cosmetic dentistry can address gaps between teeth.Porcelain veneers and dental bondings are commonly used to close small gaps, providing a seamless and natural appearance. Orthodontic treatments like clear aligners or braces can also be employed, eliminating gaps.

Missing teeth impact not only your appearance but also cause issues like temporomandibular disorder, digestive disorders, and changes in the shape and structure of your face. If you have broken or missing teeth, consult a cosmetic dentist for a cosmetic dentistry solution.


Look at our frequently asked questions:

Contact us


At Millidge Place Dental Clinic, we can help you get the smile you have always desired. Contact us and book your consultation. Whether you need a teeth whitening service or an Invisalign treatment, we have the skills and the equipment to help you!


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A Flattering Smile

Our cosmetic dentistry services in Saint John can help you get a beautiful smile.

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