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Root Canal & Cavity Treatment in Saint John

Are you experiencing a severe toothache? One of your tooth nerves might be affected by decay or infection. Millidge Place Dental Clinic– Dr. Murray Holburn offers root canal therapy and cavity treatment in Saint John to give you relief from such issues.

Root canal therapy is performed to save the tooth, remove decayed pulp and nerves, treat the cavity, and remove bacteria. This resulting space is now filled with medicated dental materials so that the tooth can be fully functional.


In addition to that, we also provide cosmetic and general dentistry services for those in need.


A root canal is a dental procedure performed to save a tooth with severely infected or damaged pulp. The pulp is the soft tissue located at the tooth's center, consisting of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. When the pulp gets infected/injured, it can cause intense pain and lead to an abscess if left untreated.

During a root canal procedure, the dentist/endodontist (a specialist in treating the inner part of the tooth) removes the infected or damaged pulp from the tooth. The process involves making a small access hole in the tooth and using specialized tools to clean the pulp chamber and root canals. After thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the canals, they are filled with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha to seal them and prevent recontamination.

After undergoing a root canal procedure, a dental crown or filling is placed on the treated tooth to restore its function. It helps to strengthen the tooth and prevent further damage.

With advances in dental technology, root canals are a relatively comfortable treatment for securing teeth that would otherwise need extraction.


Modern root canal technology and anesthesia can considerably reduce the pain and discomfort involved. Considering the results and relief that the treatment provides, a root canal is certainly better than getting your teeth extracted.

Our team of dentists ensures that you are completely comfortable with the process. They start by educating you about the treatment and its possible consequences. They also ensure your convenience and comfort before starting the procedure. Call us to schedule an appointment today.


Most people believe an extraction is a good option over a root canal. But removing the tooth could also affect the adjacent teeth, thus resulting in more cost and more dental issues. The tooth can be saved and restored to its full function by performing a root canal. Root canal therapy can last a lifetime, and only on certain occasions, the teeth might have to be re-treated if new infections are affecting the teeth.

Symptoms of Possible Root Canal Therapy

Below are some of the signs that can possibly lead to root canal therapy:


  • Blister on the gums

  • Sensitivity issues

  • Swelling or tenderness

  • Acute toothache

  • Sometimes no symptoms


A root canal is a common dental procedure that can address a variety of symptoms associated with infected and abscessed teeth. It leaves you with less pain after recovery and helps you maintain your natural teeth. Some of its many benefits are:

Preventing tooth loss: A root canal can help save an infected tooth and eliminate the need to get a tooth extraction. It will prevent you from having to deal with the loss of a natural tooth.


Preventing the spread of infection: If not dealt with on time, dental infections can often spread to the neighbouring teeth. A root canal removes the infected pulp, which prevents the infection from spreading to the adjacent teeth.


Enhancing appearance: A root canal involves removing the infected pulp and sealing the cavity with a polymer material or a crown. This restores the natural appearance of your tooth and enhances your smile.


Preventing jawbone degeneration: Unlike tooth extraction, a root canal leaves the jawbone intact. This means that there are no chances of your jawbone degenerating as a result of this procedure.


Relatively painless: Compared to tooth extraction, patients don't have to experience any drastic consequences, and recover within a few days.


Would you like to know more about our root canal in St. John? Please don't hesitate to reach out to us.


Further reading:


Everything You Need to Know About the Root Canal Procedure

The Root Canal Procedure

A root canal requires more than one appointment. Initially, an X-ray is performed to diagnose where the issue is. This is followed by giving local anesthesia to the affected tooth. The next step involves pulpectomy, where the damaged pulp, nerve tissue, bacteria, and decay are removed. The space created is then cleaned, disinfected, filled, and sealed using a permanent filling or a temporary crown. A second appointment will be required to replace the temporary crown with a permanent crown.


For more information on cavity treatment and root canal therapy, or to book your appointment, please contact us.  


Cavities are a type of dental disease that can affect the tooth enamel and eventually decay the tooth to a point in which the nerve is exposed. The cavities are caused by bacteria in the mouth, creating acid that eats away at the tooth enamel. The most common symptoms of cavities include discoloration of teeth, pain and sensitivity when eating, tooth loss, bad breath, and minor gum bleeding.

If left untreated, a cavity can widen and start to destroy the tooth itself. A root canal treatment is a way of saving the tooth and restoring its function, even when it has several cavities.

Further Reading:

The Effects of Sugar on Your Oral Health

Cavity Treatment in Saint John | FAQ

Dental health is essential for the overall well-being of a person. A regular appointment with a dentist can help you stay ahead of dental problems with ease. Here are a few frequent questions that we get every now and then:


  • Will My Tooth be Able to Recover on its Own?

The answer is, unfortunately, no. A dental cavity is an issue that necessitates medical treatment to cure. When you have a cavity, the best thing to do is visit a dentist.


  • Does it Hurt to Get Fillings?

The short answer is yes, as the dentist will have to drill into your teeth. However, modern practices have made the process a lot more comfortable. You will get a shot of anesthesia to minimize the pain.


  • How Long Can the Process of Filling Take?

Depending on the size of the cavity, it can take anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes and even around an hour. It can take even longer for kids and older adults as it is hard to keep their mouths open for long.

If you are undergoing a root canal, the process may take two or three appointments to complete since it requires additional stages such as fabricating and fitting a crown.


To know more, please visit our blog.

Tooth Sensitive to Hot and Cold?

Why suffer in pain? Let Dr. Murray P. Holburn check it out before it gets worse.

Cavity Treatment in Saint John

We offer procedures that can effectively treat your oral cavity and improve your dental health.

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