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Periodontal Treatment in Saint John

Periodontal diseases are generally related to gum. Here the soft tissue around the tooth gets affected. If you are experiencing inflammation in your gums or suspect an infection, visit Millidge Place Dental Clinic – Dr. Murray Holburn. We offer periodontal treatment and care in Saint John.  

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is an infection of gum tissues. It is caused by poor brushing and flossing habits that result in plaque buildup on your teeth.  Periodontal disease often starts with gingivitis – a bacterial infection which infiltrates the gum line. The bacterial infection can then colonize in the gum pockets in between the teeth. At this stage, it becomes difficult to be treated. Periodontal disease that happens at a later stage in which the connective tissues and jawbone are affected eventually leads to shifting teeth, loose teeth, and teeth loss.



  • Bad breath
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Red or swollen gums
  • Bleeding gums

Kinds of Periodontal Disease

There are different kinds of periodontal disease which are as follows:

 Chronic periodontitis
In this condition, it appears that the teeth are lengthening but it’s the gum receding. It’s the most common type of periodontal disease.


 Aggressive periodontitis
This kind of periodontitis can happen to a person who is clinically healthy. There is rapid loss of gum attachment, familial aggregation, and chronic bone destruction.


 Necrotizing periodontitis
This happens to an individual suffering from malnutrition, immunosuppression, or HIV. The periodontal ligament, gingival tissues, and alveolar bones are affected by necrosis (tissue death).


 Periodontitis caused by systemic disease
The periodontitis of this kind generally begins at an early stage. Diabetes, respiratory or heart diseases can be some of the cofactors.

Diagnosis of Periodontal Disease

Our dentist or hygienist can help you in the diagnosis of periodontal disease. You should always make sure to make it a part of your periodic dental check-up.


Periodontal disease can be diagnosed with the help of a periodontal probe which measures the space between the tooth and the gum. The pocket between the tooth and gum should be 3mm or less, and should not bleed when using a probe. If the pockets are deeper, there are chances of periodontal disease. Then we will use the data such as pocket depth, inflammation, tooth mobility, and the amount of bleeding to diagnose if the condition is gingivitis, periodontitis, or advanced periodontitis. 

Treating Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease can either be treated using surgical or non-surgical treatment options. If the disease is diagnosed in the gingivitis stage, one or two regular cleaning appointments will be enough. But if the periodontitis condition at an advanced stage, the below treatments can be followed:

    Scaling and root planning:
This starts by removing the tartar and the bacteria which started the infection. The gum pockets will then be cleaned and treated with antibiotics to get rid of the infection. A mouthwash can also be prescribed for daily cleaning routines.


    Tissue regeneration
In this case, grafting procedures are followed to actively encourage tissue regeneration which has been destroyed. A membrane is inserted into the affected area which helps in the regeneration process.


    Pocket elimination surgery
This surgery is done to reduce the pocket size between the teeth and the gum. The jawbone can also be operated to reduce the indentations in the bone to remove the colonization of bacteria.


    Dental implants
If there is tooth loss due to periodontal disease, dental implants can be an option. Prosthetics used in the implants can improve the aesthetics and functionality of your teeth. Sometimes, tissue regeneration might also be required to strengthen the jawbone before the implant is done.


After the treatment is done, you should also maintain your oral health with periodontal cleanings which should be done at least four times a year. The cleanings are done to ensure that the gum pockets are clean and healthy. Tartar and plaque, if any, will also be removed from above-and-below the gum line during the cleaning procedure. Along with cleanings, the maintenance appointment will also include:

Detecting tumours, cysts, or bone loss with the help of X-rays

Check the current fillings and crowns

Check the tooth surface for decay

Examine cheek tissues, neck, lips, tongue, face, and gums for any signs of oral cancer

Recommending oral hygiene aids as required

Removing stains and plaque with the help of teeth polishing

Periodontal Care and Preventing Infection

Gum or periodontal disease can be due to insufficient oral hygiene, genetics, or improper food habits. If gum infections are left untreated, they can spread to the entire body. The best way to keep your gums healthy is to take proper care of your teeth daily. Brushing and flossing once a day will prevent bacterial attack.


If you have any symptoms pertaining to periodontal disease, visit Millidge Place Dental Clinic – Dr. Murray Holburn . We also offer regular oral health check-ups as well.  

Swollen Gums?

It could be gingivitis or periodontal disease. Visit us to learn more.

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