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Dos And Don'ts of Teeth Whitening Procedure

Updated: Aug 10, 2022

woman smiling

Seventy-five percent of Canadians make sure to visit a dental clinic at least once a year. While this is generally for routine dental cleanings, whiter teeth are often the desired result most people are hoping for at the end of an appointment.


Unfortunately, a routine teeth cleaning isn't necessarily going to improve the whiteness of your teeth. That is where teeth whitening services come into play. Once you have had your teeth whitened, there are certain things you should and shouldn't do before and after the appointment.

Keep on reading to learn some helpful tips about the teeth whitening procedure.


1. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Before getting your teeth whitened at a dentist, make sure that you stay on top of your dental hygiene. Going to your appointment with a plaque buildup can prevent you from getting even and consistent results. 


Once you've had your teeth whitened, it is essential to continue with the same oral hygiene routine. In order to maintain your smile white, it's important to brush and rinse your teeth after eating and drinking. Regular flossing is also recommended to preserve your pearly whites for as long as possible.


2. Avoid Certain Foods And Beverages

There are certain foods that you may want to avoid after getting your teeth whitened. These include dark-coloured foods and beverages such as wine, coffee, or other teeth-staining foods like blueberries or pomegranates. You might also want to avoid foods and drinks with higher acidic content, such as lemons and vinegar. Hot and cold foods can also trigger sensitivity.


3. Cut Back On Smoking

Smoking tobacco poses a serious threat to dental health. So, it's no surprise that nicotine and other chemicals present in cigarettes may be contributing to the yellowing of your teeth. Whether you've recently undergone the teeth whitening procedure or are considering it in the future, it is recommended to cut back on smoking before and after the treatment.


4. Consider Using Sensitive Toothpaste

The teeth whitening process can cause some individuals to experience sensitivity and discomfort. To make the process more manageable, use toothpaste for sensitivity to strengthen your enamel. You can also count on pain relievers for any residual pain that you might be experiencing after the treatment.


5. Have Your Teeth Professionally Whitened

At-home whitening kits might be cheaper, but DIY methods aren't guaranteed to be effective. In fact, some DIY methods for teeth whitening can cause permanent damage to your teeth if you aren't careful when using them.

An effective teeth whitening service is performed by a dentist in a controlled environment. The advantage of getting your teeth whitened professionally is that you can count on safe and thorough service that will show quick results.


Professional Teeth Whitening Services

And there you have it! Aftercare is essential to maintaining your smile after having your teeth whitened. Following the procedure, you'll want to avoid smoking tobacco and eating foods that might stain your teeth. Brushing your teeth is always important, but even more so when trying to maintain your smile for longer.

Feel free to contact Millidge Place Dental Clinic, your local dentist in Saint John,  for more information on our teeth whitening services. Our team will be happy to answer any questions you might have.


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